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An Agent For Wilhelmina (The Pinkerton Matchmaker Book 2) Page 7
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Page 7
Just as he reached their box, he whipped out a hatchet and Bowie knife, jumped off the railing in front of Mina, but turned his focus and weapons on Reece. Mina gasped as the knife and ax were pressed to either side of her husband’s neck.
“Who be ya, an’ what ‘re ya doin’ here with my niece?”
“Uncle Nate, no!” yelled Mina. She grabbed his arm.
The door to the box flew open, slamming against the wall.
“Nathan Ryder, you stop this instant.” A beautiful woman, dressed in royal blue satin and velvet, entered and stomped down the steps.
“Penny, m’ love, ya stay outta this. This here is ‘bout th’ honor of my only sister’s youngest child. I aim ta see that honor satisfied.”
“Uncle Nate, stop! It’s all right. There’s no honor to be redeemed.” Mina realized as soon as she said the words they were the wrong ones. Nate’s visage became darker and the weapons shook with rage. “No, I’m fine. Reece is my husband. We were married two weeks ago.” She didn’t add that they married in Denver. Now was not the time to go into the Pinkerton Agency marriage requirement.
“You see, my dear. It’s all fine. You may put your weapons away, although we will have a chat later as to why you felt the need to wear them to the theater.” Penny rounded the seats until she could reach Mina whom she drew into her arms, protectively. She gave her husband a look Mina had only seen a few times. Nate stepped back dropping his hands and weapons to his sides.
“Thank you, Aunt Penny. He’s so very fierce. I don’t think he would have listened to me,” Mina said.
“Probably not. He is so very protective of women, you know.” She patted Mina on the cheek. “How are you, my dear?” She looked Mina up and down. “Beautiful as always.”
“I’m a wantin’ a explanation, an’ I’m a wantin’ it now.” The growl had Mina turning to her uncle again.
“Uncle Nate, Aunt Penny, this is my husband, Mr. Reece Galway. Reece, my aunt and uncle.” She cleared her throat. “Nugget Nate Ryder and Mrs. Penny Ryder.”
Reece barely kept his mouth from dropping open. Mina’s uncle was Nugget Nate Ryder? One of the richest men in the country. Owner of the Dueling Ns Ranch in New Mexico, and a rich gold mine close by. He was known throughout the country for his exploits in capturing outlaws and doing deeds no other man could do, such as walk on a round brass railing in a theater. It was said he claimed to have Callings from God that led him to the outlaws, and women and children in need. He’d set up missions to help those women, teaching them vital life skills and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
“P..pleased to meet you, Mr. Ryder, Mrs. Ryder,” Reece stuttered out. Having had a knife and hatchet pressed into your throat made words difficult to express.
The audience was silent now, trying to hear what was being said. Everyone was watching, eyes glued to their box. When the lights dimmed, signaling the beginning of the second act, a groan sounded from every throat.
“Please, join us,” Mrs. Ramsey said. The quivering smile on her face said she was enjoying this show as much as the one on stage. “We can finish the reunion when the play is done.”
Nate grumbled as he hooked his weapons back onto his belt. Penny said something only her husband could hear and sat next to Mina. She waved Nate to a seat beside Reece. They sat, ill at ease, next to each other.
Not a single word or action in the play did Reece hear or see. He sat trying to reconcile his thoughts and feelings about this infamous man, and the wife who seemed to be able to tell him what to do, and that they were related to his wife.
The Galways and Ramseys stood in the lobby of the theater while the Ryders went back to their box to get their outerwear. The play was over. Instead of going out for supper with the Ramseys, Mina and Reece were going with Nugget Nate and Penny.
“How did he walk along that railing?” Stafford Ramsey shook his head as he watched the couple walk away.
“He had moccasins on. He won’t wear boots,” Mina said. “Aunt Penny must have gotten him black ones so they’d look better with his suit. I’m surprised she was able to get him into one. He hates them. Wants to wear his buckskins all the time.”
Violet laid a hand on Mina’s arm. “Don’t worry. I’m sure your uncle will understand when you explain everything to him.”
Mina chuckled. “If he doesn’t, Aunt Penny will keep him in line.”
As several couples approached, obviously intent on getting introductions, Mina leaned slightly to speak quietly to Reece. “We can’t tell him about how we met and married. He’d throw a fit and maybe his hatchet too.”
“So what will we tell him?”
“I’ll think of something. We’ll have time before he asks. He won’t do so in public. Aunt Penny is giving him a good dressing down for his antics tonight.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Galway,” Mrs. Ramsey said, pulling them back to the group. “I’d like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Bakster Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cropper, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dodrill.”
Reece shook hands with each of the men while Mina greeted the ladies.
“That was quite a show that man performed coming to your box,” Mrs. Dodrill said. “Do you know him?” She looked slightly down her nose at Mina.
Pasting a slight smile on her face, Mina replied, “Yes, he’s my uncle. He was surprised to see me here in San Francisco. He’s a bit eccentric.” Mina patted her hair, putting on an air of nonchalance.
“He certainly stole the show.” Mr. Scott chuckled.
“Well, who is he? Should he be out in polite society?” Again, it was Mrs. Dodrill who questioned.
“Here they come. You can be introduced to them now. I’m sure you’ll find it enlightening.” Reece placed his hand on Mina’s back and winked at her.
Forestalling her uncle from speaking, Mina began the introductions. “Aunt Penny, Uncle Nate, I’d like you to meet…” She went on to say each couple’s names. Then she introduced her relatives. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Nugget Nate Ryder.”
The shock on the faces of the new couples nearly made Mina laugh. It was apparent they had all heard of Nate and his exploits.
“So pleased to meet you all.” Penny was all that was gracious as always. When Nate just scowled, she batted him with her hand.
“Nice ta meet ya. Has ya knowed my Mina long?”
“No, Uncle Nate, Reece and I have recently arrived in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey have graciously offered to introduce us. This is our first foray into society.”
“I see. We’ll be headin’ out now. I’m a wantin’ ta catch myself up with my niece.” Nate wrapped Penny’s arm in his.
“Thank you for inviting us to the theater, Mrs. Ramsey.” Mina leaned to the older woman giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Until we meet again.”
“Of course, my dear.” The older woman’s eyes twinkled with mischief. Mina would be inviting her new friend to lunch very soon. They needed to plan their infiltration to gather information about the Dodrill’s and the theft. She’d also want to know how Nate was going to take whatever Mina and Reece told him.
MINA DECIDED TO stick as close to the truth as possible. Nate was able to smell lies and she didn’t want to make him suspicion. As soon as they were in the carriage, the interrogation began.
“Okay, Missy, I want the whole story. Yer ma ain’t writ me that ya had a beau, let ‘lone got yerself hitched.” Nate stabbed her with a squint-eyed look.
Mina swallowed before she spoke. “Ma doesn’t know. It was quick. Reece and I met and the reaction between us was so massive, and we had the same goals in life, so we got married and immediately left Denver to come to San Francisco.”
“I see.” There was doubt in Nate’s voice. “So ya didn’t even have the decency to write yer ma?”
“There are some extenuating circumstances, Mr. Ryder,” Reece interjected.
“Nate. Call me Nate,” he growled. “What reason is good ‘nough that ya don’ let yer ma know ya got hitched?” Nate kept his focus on Mina.
“You know how I’ve wanted to be a Pinkerton Agent. Well, the opportunity came for me to become one in Denver. Uncle Dan approved, and I came west. I even had a letter of recommendation from Mr. Pinkerton, himself. That’s where I met Reece. He’s an agent too.”
“We’re here on a case,” Reece said.
Nate’s speared him with his intense gaze. “Ya keeping her safe?”
“Doing the best I can, but she seems to be able to do so pretty well herself.”
A smile spread across Nate’s face. “Ya getting yer Callin’s, are ya?”
Mina glanced at Reece. Well, the cat was escaping from the bag now. “A few since we’ve met.”
“Callings?” Reece looked from Mina to Nate and back.
“Don’t look so worried, Reece. It’s fine.” Penny reached across the carriage and patted his hand.
“Ya ain’t tol’ him ‘bout yer Callin’s?”
Mina studied her hands that were twisting together in her lap.
The carriage stopped. Mina looked out the window. “How did you know we were staying at the Occidental?”
“Didn’t. We are. Plan ta have supper sent up ta our room. We’ll be a finishin’ this jawing’ there.” Nate opened the door and helped Penny down before he turned to assist Mina. “I’m a gonna order us up some grub. Get yerselves outa yer finery an’ come up.” Nate turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Penny behind.
“It’ll be fine, my dear. He’s all bark and no bite with his kin. You know that.” She patted Mina’s cheek and Reece’s shoulder. After she gave them their room number she followed her husband into the hotel.
Mina let out a deep breath. “That went better than I hoped.”
“It did?” Reece stared at his wife. She thought that was good? And what was this about Callings? Seems he’d heard something about Nugget Nate knowing where he was supposed to go because God had called him there.
“Come on. We don’t want to keep him waiting.” Mina grabbed his arm and began dragging him into the hotel.
Reece caught up and placed his hand on the small of her back.
She smiled at him as they climbed the stairs. “Let’s change. I think we want to be comfortable when we go to their suite.”
Mina had him unbutton her gown then disappeared behind the screen to change. She’d chosen a tea gown which was looser than many of her other garments. He thought it looked more comfortable than the fitted bodice of her evening gown.
Reece chose to remove his jacket and vest and don a smoking jacket, though he didn’t smoke. It was comfortable and acceptable to wear in company. “Can I have your Derringer? I’d like to keep it in my pocket.”
“Oh, Uncle Nate won’t shoot you now. He would have used one of his weapons before if he was going to.” Mina’s head was below the screen, so he could only stare at it in disbelief. “I think I explained our marriage to his satisfaction and didn’t lie. He’d have picked up on that in a second.”
Reece rolled his eyes. Great. He’d narrowly escaped being sliced open by an infamous mountain man turned wealthy entrepreneur who crisscrossed the country taking out bandits and rescuing people in distress. His reputation for being a crack shot was spoken about in just about every saloon.
When Mina came from behind the screen she was still smiling. “It’s so good to see Uncle Nate and Aunt Penny. It’s been several years since I’ve seen them. Come on, let’s go.” She grabbed his hand again, dragging him behind her. He dug his heels in, stopping her progress across the room.
“Wait a minute. We need to decide what we are going to tell them about the case. And what if they quiz us more about how we met? How much detail do you think he’d want?” Reece kept hold of her hand, not knowing if he was afraid she’d run off without him or because he simply wanted its softness in his.
“We can simply say Mr. Gordon introduced us and in short order we decided to marry. As to the case. You can tell him however much you feel comfortable telling. He’ll not mention it to a soul. Nate’s been fighting crime ever since he was a youth.”
She turned to head out again. Reece pulled her back. “What’s this about the Callings? I’ve heard rumors connected to Nugget Nate Ryder but don’t know much.”
Mina let out an aggrieved sigh. “He can explain it better. Besides, we need to get up there before he comes looking for us. You don’t want that.”
He certainly didn’t. He still felt the places on his neck where the hatchet and knife pressed. This time he allowed her to drag him from the room.
There was a table set for four and laden with aromatic dishes. Reece followed Mina into the room. Penny was dressed similarly to his wife. Nate had on buckskins that had seen better days and not a wash tub in a long time.
“Set yerselfs down and commence ta eatin’. Got me a powerful hunger in my belly.” Nate held a seat for Penny while Reece helped Mina.
Nate said grace, then, “Y’all want ta tell me ‘bout this here case first, er ya wantin’ me ta ‘splain the Callin’s?” He shoveled a large forkful of meat into his mouth.
Reece looked at Mina. She grinned, winked, and took a bite, forcing him to decide whether to explain or hear an explanation first.
“I’m interested in the Callings. I’ve heard rumors about you, of course. How you always find and capture whomever you are searching for. That you know just where to go to find them.” Reece took a bite so he didn’t have to say more.
“Tis a family trait, the Callin’s. Not every Ryder gets ‘em. Sometimes skips a generation or some siblin’s get it ’n others don’t. Shows up in different ways too. The Lord tells me wheres I’m needin’ ta go an’ whenst I gets there, I finds out what the trouble I’m a needin’ ta fix is.” Nate took another bite.
“Mina’s not a Ryder.” Reece looked from Nate to Mina and back.
“She be a Ryder, jest not by name. Her ma’s my blooded sister. Jest ‘cause she’s a woman an’ married that Horace Cutler, don’t mean she stopped bein’ a Ryder.”
“And you have Callings?” Reece shifted his gaze from Nate to Mina.
She wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Well, yes, though not like Uncle Nate does. Not like my mother either. She gathers girls to her. Girls who need help. She knows when one is in need of a home, or loving support in the situation they are in. She’s quite fierce in defending them too.”
“Aggie cain be a mean ‘un. That be for sure. Crack shot with a shotgun too. Ken handle a knife too. I done taught her both. Ya threaten one o’ her girls an’ ya might as well head ta the healer or the undertaker.”
“Agatha is not that bad, Nate. She’s a loving soul and you know it,” Penny defended.
Nate smirked. “She be at that. Loves her ta death.” Nate lowered his voice until he whispered, “‘Cept when she calls me Stinky Ryder.”
Mina and Penny laughed and Penny patted his hand in sympathy.
“Now, what’s this here case yer here for?” Nate asked.
“We’re investigating a theft for possible insurance fraud.” Reece went on to explain what they knew and what their plan for gathering information to solve the case was. “It shouldn’t be dangerous. We need to find a motive and if they still have the jewels in their possession.”
“Now that we have introductions into the Dodrills’ circle of friends we can begin. I’m hoping to have it concluded within a couple of weeks at the least, a month at the most.”
By now they were enjoying dessert and Penny was serving coffee. Nate leaned back and studied Reece who tried not to squirm under the intense scrutiny. Nate shifted and speared Mina with his gaze.
“Ya think ya ken handle bein’ a agent fer the Pinkerton’s?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ya happy, Missy?”
“Yes, sir.”
Nate grabbed Mina and pulled her into his lap. “I cain’t believe yer all growd up. I ‘member when ya was just a toddlin’ after me tryin’ ta grab m’ war gear. Now, yer a wife, an’ if I ain’t wrong, will be a ma of yer own come shortly.”
“Uncle Nate!” Mina turned scarlet as Nate laughed.
When they were getting ready to go back to their room, Nate took Reece aside.
“Ya’ll do. Ya keep her safe, ya hear? I’ll take it outa yer hide iffen ya don’t. Now, I’ve got somethin’ fer ya.” Nate held out a Bowie knife in a sheath. “I got this here knife from Jim Bowie, hisself. I done won a fight betwixt us. This here’s what I won. I’m a givin’ it to ya. Use it ta keep her safe.”
“I will, sir. Thank you. You don’t need to worry about her. She’s precious to me too.”
“We’re leaving in the morning, Mina,” Penny said. “We only stopped here in San Francisco for a few days. I wanted to see California. We’re heading up the coast. I hear there are giant redwood trees. Nate doesn’t believe the reports of their size.”
“Come here, Missy.” Nate waved her to him. “No arguments now, ya hear.” He handed her a thick envelope. “This here be a weddin’ present. I’ll be a comin’ ta find out iffen ya wrote yer ma. She’s gonna be mighty hurt ya married without her. Ya go visit her as soon as ya can, ya hear?”
Tears flooded Mina’s eyes. She hugged her aunt and uncle, holding him for a long time. “I’m so glad you saw us at the theater. You could have left and I’d never have known you were staying in the same hotel.”
Nate kissed Mina’s cheek. “Ya be a good girl an’ mind yer husband. He knows best.”
Penny let out a very unladylike snort.
“You never told me what your Calling is.” They were lying next to each other in bed. Well, Mina was clear over next to the edge. The lights were off and the room was dark. Reece was thinking about the evening, trying to sort out all that had happened. All that he’d learned about his wife.
“Uhm?” Oops, it sounded like Mina was asleep, or trying to. “My Calling? Coming danger.”
Reece waited for her to elaborate. Silence was all he heard, then the sound of deep breathing. She was asleep. He wasn’t going to get on her bad side by waking her up.